We are now offering two worship services. At 8:30 each Sunday we offer a Traditional Worship Service with hymns, a Chancel Choir, and liturgy appropriate for the day. At 10:30 we offer a Contemporary Worship Service in a more informal format with our Praise Band leading contemporary songs for the service. We love worshipping Jesus and we welcome children and youth in worship as well!! Please feel free to join us anytime. We welcome all people at St. Mark's.

Our Chancel Choir as well as our Praise Band are always looking for new musicians. If you are interested in joining either of these music ministries please contact Zach Brecht at for the Choir and Nick Ehlts at for the Praise Band or call our office at 319-396-6361.

St. Mark's Sunday Worship is at 8:30 a.m. for Traditional and 10:30 a.m. for Contemporary.