Our youth group program at St. Mark's is an engaging and inspiring way for young people to make meaningful connections with their faith and their peers. Through weekly meetings, special events, and service projects, we strive to create an environment in which young people feel comfortable expressing themselves and connecting with their faith. We also provide resources and support to help them navigate the difficulties of growing up and finding their place in the world. We offer a safe space to learn and grow, both spiritually and socially. It is our mission to educate and equip our youth with the tools to become engaged, active members of their faith community.

Refer to the tabs below to find out how to get involved!

Sunday School starts on Sunday September 15th. Every week it will start at 10:30am! Join us each week; youth will be upstairs by the community room & children downstairs in the Sunday School room! Register here to you can join the fun!

High School and Middle School

At St. Marks United Methodist Church, we have a passion to see our youth grow, learn, and obtain a vital relationship with Jesus Christ. That's why we are in ministry together in many different ways. We do bible study, games, discussions, media, mission trips, service projects, summer camp and worship. We are committed to reaching each and every youth in a Christ-centered and fun way. 

Youth 5th grade -8th grade are welcome to join us weekly during the school year and for special events throughout the summer including summer camp. Our meeting day and time during the school year is 10:30AM Sunday's for youth Sunday school and 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Sunday's for our Youth Coop activities. Watch for updates at the church for food, fun, and faith!!! 

For more information on getting involved with our youth please contact the church office at 319-396-6361 or Deidra at deidra@stmarksumccr.com